Breed of the Month

The Rough Collie

bark busters

published November 2019

This month’s breed - The Rough Collie


Better known as 'the Lassie dog', the Rough Collie swept into popularity on the back of the Lassie book, TV, and movie franchise.  Also known as the Scottish Collie, the Rough Collie is a friendly breed with their striking appearance, marked by luxurious coats and almond-shaped eyes, that's in keeping with their proud heritage as sheepdogs in Scotland and Wales. Rough Collies have since been bred for domestication and make wonderful companion dogs.

The Rough Collie

Physical Characteristics

The Rough Collie (Scottish Collie) is easily recognisable, defined by its angular head, long, elongated muzzle, almond-shaped eyes, and a lush coat.



  • Working dog


  • Sable and white
  • White
  • Tri-colour
  • Blue merle
  • Sable merle
  • Sable


  • Large, with a naturally thin frame that means they are less heavy than they appear
  • Height: 60-66 centimetres (male), 55 - 60 centimetres (female)
  • Weight: 27-34 kilograms (male), 22-30 kilograms (female)

Other Traits

  • A short, dense double coat that makes them adaptable to most climates
  • Soft, almond-shaped eyes
  • Stand-up ears that flop forward at the tip

Life expectancy

  • Rough Collies typically live between 14 and 16 years.
rough collie

The Rough Collie


Originated in the Scottish Highlands in the 18th century, Rough Collies (and their cousins, Smooth Collies), were bred with great care by farmers and shepherds to possess ideal traits for herding and guarding hardheaded flocks of sheep: a mix of fearlessness, aggression, determination, and strength.

Rough Collies quickly became the dominant sheepherding breed in Scotland and Wales, maintaining that status through the 1800s. Welsh varieties – traditionally a smaller, friendly, more nimble-type dog – were crossbred with English sheepdogs to produce long- and short-haired Rough Collies.

rough collie

As dog ownership became fashionable during the Industrial Revolution, people began keeping Collies as pets. Rough Collies quickly became popular show dogs, debuting in 1860 at the Birmingham, England dog show as “Scotch Sheep-Dogs.”  Modern day Rough Collies are a softer-natured dog and are better suited for companionship and pet ownership than its predecessors.

The Rough Collie

Personality and Temperament

Rough Collie

Modern Rough Collies possess a sweet, appealing personality and keen intelligence. They are generally very loving, loyal and trustworthy. Like any breed, there are instances of very timid temperaments and aggression, but these tend to be rare. If introduced correctly and given proper training, they are friendly with other dogs and great with children.

The Rough Collie


Rough Collies have a luxurious double coat that requires regular attention (but also makes for great bonding time). It is recommended to brush their coats once a week to maintain hair and skin health, and extra brushing around shed times.

Shed times as follows:

Spayed Female

  • Once per year

Intact Female

  • Around three months after heat cycles


  • Once per year (around their birthday)
rough collie grooming

Jeff Drier - Bark Busters National Trainer - on the Rough Collie

I’m probably dating myself, but when I think of the Rough Collie, I think of Lassie – maybe it’s because everyone I knew who owned one named theirs after the star of the show! Rough Collies are intelligent, friendly dogs that were originally bred to herd sheep. They make great family pets, but are still considered working dogs, which means they need space to run (and maybe aren’t the best choice for apartment dwellers). This abundance of energy means they will happily join their owners for long hikes, runs, or other activities. However, it can also lead to behavioural problems if not properly channeled.

Training Case study

Take Clarence the Rough Collie. Clarence lived to herd – the cats, the children (easier than the cats!), and the adults, nipping at their heels to round them up. In fact, Clarence would only stop herding once he got everyone in the same room. He was most relaxed when the family would sit down at the table for meals because he knew exactly where everyone was.

Clarence was extremely smart, so whenever Mum or Dad went to the kitchen, Clarence would try to round up the entire family into the dining room. If the kids were in their rooms with the doors closed (often the case because of his nipping behaviour), he would either bark outside the door or scratch until they opened it. Doing so out of annoyance only reinforced the behaviour – Clarence thought he had done his job!

Once everyone was properly herded into one room, Clarence would settle down watch them. If anyone looked like they were going to leave, he would spring into action, blocking or barking at them. It didn’t take long for the family to grow tired of this behaviour.

 collie Play

After learning and observing the interactions between the family and Clarence, we developed a plan to help everyone live in harmony using communication techniques and behavioural concepts that are natural to dogs. We taught the family how to ‘speak dog,’ explained leadership concepts, and showed them exercises to work on with Clarence to reinforce that they were the decision makers – not him.

It was important to the family to give Clarence an outlet for his herding instinct, so we developed an activity using their big, fenced backyard: one person would kick soccer balls around the yard and Clarence would herd them into a marked area. He was a natural! By executing this plan consistently (a hallmark of any dog training technique), we were able to quickly change Clarence’s behaviour. Clarence was happy, and the family no longer had to worry about having their heels nipped.

Rough Collies are wonderful dogs for families and people living active lifestyles, but their energy and herding instinct can lead to some rough edges. If you have a Rough Collie with some rough spots, contact your local Bark Busters® trainer. He or she can help smooth them out so, like Clarence, you can have a great relationship built on mutual understanding, trust, respect, and love.


for Potential Owners

Puppy collie
  • The original Collies were bred to be fearless, aggressive, determined, and strong for sheepherding duties.
  • As they became popular pets, the breed underwent changes in breeding selection, resulting in a gentle, sweet, kind of dog better suited for domesticated companionship.
  • If you are thinking of purchasing a Rough Collie, it is important to source from a reputable breeder who is breeding for not only looks, but good, sound temperament as well. Rescues are also great options for prospective Collie owners. Contact your local Bark Busters trainer today to learn about great breeders and rescue organisations near you!
  • Many Rough Collies require only basic obedience training.
  • Barking can be a big issue with all herding breeds, but early training and good management keep this under control.

Ready to take the next step? Learn more about our services and schedule an appointment with one of our trainers today!

Lost Dog

Bark Busters

Help Reunite Pets and Their Owners with WaggTagg™

If you have ever lost your dog, you know that heart-pounding adrenaline of panic. The WaggTagg™ pet identification tag is unique in that it works from a QR code. Free to all Bark Busters® clients. The pet parent enters important dog information plus a picture. Whoever finds the dog can simply scan the tag using a cell phone and the owner gets a text message to say someone has found your dog. This service is available 24/7. No waiting to get to the vet office to scan a microchip and no renewal fees or any extra charges!


Microchips are important and you should always have your dog microchipped as that is a great tool to identify legal owners etc.

The WaggTagg™ is an extra piece of security for your dog and provides peace of mind, that if your dog goes missing, you can get reunited quickly.

WaggTagg™ is a free service for all dog owners when you become a Bark Busters® client.

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