Bringing Home A Rescue Dog
This guide should ensure that your dog is a pleasure to live with and more importantly for the dog, will never be returned to a shelter.
- Entering a new home will be a stressful time for the dog. Let them settle in for 2 weeks and just ignore a lot of their overtures. Love them with your voice but try not to over-handle them in the first couple of weeks.
- Don't let children hug the dog tightly around the neck.
- As a family, make your rules for the dog and stick to them.
- Don't use aggressive body language such as pointing, raising your hand, tapping the dog on the nose, scuffing, holding it down or grabbing it by the collar.
- Don't hand food to the dog. Throw it to on the floor or throw it to them and let them catch it.
- Use only one word to let the dog know they're doing something wrong. Keep the rest of your vocal communication with them very soft and gentle. Use body language to let them know what you want them to do.
- Don't tell your dog off by using their name.
- Give your dog an area of safety, such as a sleeping crate.
- Don't let children disturb them if they're sleeping.
- Teach them to separate. Don't have them with you all the time.
- If you have to leave them for long periods of time, make sure that they have plenty of fruit and vegetables or raw food to munch on whilst you're out.
- If you're unsure of their behaviour with other dogs and they're a big dog, temporarily muzzle them until you are sure they won't damage another animal.
- Keep them on a long lunging lead in the park until you're sure they will come back to you each time you call them.
- Have them micro-chipped so that if they become lost, you can find them again.
- Feed them outside as well as inside to encourage them to use the garden for toileting purposes.
- Ensure you have a safe garden so that they can spend some time in the fresh air.
- Don't let them answer the doorbell. You are their protector, don't let them become yours.
- Don't mistake barking at visitors as them being a good watchdog; it isn't....
- Make sure your dog understands their rules and boundaries and learn to communicate with them in their own language rather than expecting them to understand your language.
Follow these basic guidelines and there is no reason why you can't love your dog and have a great relationship with them. But please do seek professional help if your dog does start to get the better of you. After all, the last thing either of you wants is for them to end up back in a shelter.
See our Top Tips for Bringing Home a Rescue or Shelter Dog
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