Bark Busters Reviews and Customer Testimonials
12th February 2025 - Mark Gall
Mark dealt with Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Separation anxiety

Great lesson for a dog who barks at literally everything. Two other dogs in the house but Tilly has challenged their abilities which worked fine for the last couple of dogs. Separation from Mum was an issue and work from home Dad found the barking hard to deal with. 1st lesson and a follow up soon but Tilly went from Barker to behaved very well. Catch up soon. Great work guys.
9th February 2025 - Keiko Ruwhiu
Keiko dealt with Chewing, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall
Thank you Ashley. Great to hear you learnt a lot. Murray (5 years old Border Collie) needed to understand who is in charge.😉 Keep up the good work! My help is always available for you and Murray😊
2nd February 2025 - Mark Gall
Mark dealt with Jumping up, Pulling, Puppy management, Recall

Remy was a full on pup for the new to dog owners , very little skills prior to his rehoming with them. Good temperament but needing to know what was wanted by the owners. Cool and calm is the new Remy. Still a work in progress as he is still a young pup but he has our lifetime support to help through is learning growing and testing stages. Nice work guys and team Remy.
23rd January 2025 - Keith Mockett
Keith dealt with Barking, Chewing, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Puppy management, Separation anxiety

Thanks Cam. It's great to start early and get you all heading in the right direction. He's a gorgeous Golden Retriever puppy and finding his way in his home and the world. Your guidance will help him immensely to be a happy dog, and you all to be a happy family. I'm pleased to be helping. Looking forward to seeing his progress.
18th January 2025 - Keiko Ruwhiu
Keiko dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling, Separation anxiety
Thank you for taking time to leave a review Zion! I was very happy with the way Kayno (Border Collie cross 5 months old) responded to his first session. Keep up the good work!
10th January 2025 - Mark Gall
Mark dealt with Puppy management

Elizabeth and the family have special requirements regarding their pups training as they have young daughter with special needs and the family dog interaction needs to be correct to incorporate her needs. The family and the pup responded well and we'll do several sessions as Ra grows . Great 1st steps. Great job by the kids and the parents applying the training techniques
7th January 2025 - Keiko Ruwhiu
Keiko dealt with Puppy management, Other
Thank you for taking time to leave a review Erica! I was very happy with the way Cash (Akita 8 months old) responded to the session. Keep up the good work! My help is always available for you and Cash 😊
4th January 2025 - Mark Gall
Mark dealt with Aggression, Barking, Pulling, Recall
Lottie was a huge barker , anxious , reacting to noises and any visual of passers by. She is a Lochen x Cavaliar , very passively dominant and manipulating the owners attention . She responded very well on lesson day and with our tools and techniques she relaxed quite quickly to no barking at the door or passers by. An update and catch up in a couple of weeks will be great.
20th December 2024 - Mark Gall
Mark dealt with Aggression, Sibling rivalry
A sibling rivalry case , Malamute x huskies . Two boys , 1 girl all mature dogs, the two males fighting for the top job . Always a challenge but by applying the pack rules , dog language and training the owner to be seen as the leader in a dog way the dogs in variably settle into their pecking order. Its one of the harder problems to resolve as it relies on us humans being very good dog pack leaders which we don't do well. Great 1st lesson and the owner is committed to apply and resolve the problems. Catch up in a couple of weeks.
11th December 2024 - Keith Mockett
There's a bit to work on with this Cocker Spaniel but she, and you will get there. She's a bit stubborn but you've already seen some progress and your consistency and persistence will pay off.
10th December 2024 - Mark Gall
Maisie a Jack Russell , a lovely dog but very manipulating for attention and issues with barking ,a little sibling rivalry, jumped , pulled, and recall. So back to the dog basics . Her skill of passive dominance meant Maisie felt like the pack leader . Her response to the techniques was good although at first her stubbornness shone through very obviously. Second session soon to fine tune her further
7th December 2024 - Mark Gall
Scout is a very persistent and physical pup . biting , jumping , really keen to be playgirl of the house. Yes a puppy but definitely needs our speak dog techniques to cam her world. Owners aren't new to British bulldogs , They've had 3 over the years . 1st session was a bit of a challenge but eventually she started to respond , 2nd session soon will tidy up a bit more.