Does Your Dog Have Behavioural Issues?
At Bark Busters Home Dog Training, we are not just dog trainers - we are dog behavioural therapists. What exactly is a dog behavioural therapist? Essentially we work with you and your dog on behaviour modification techniques. It involves using body language and a different tone of voice to establish yourself as the pack leader. In as little as 2-3 hours (versus weeks or months by other methods), the Bark Busters dog training approach can help owners establish control of their dog--all without treats or the need for harsh punishment. Not only do we deal with basic command issues, we also tackle more extreme dog behaviours such as dog aggression and biting.
What might seem like nuisance behaviours to some can become extremely annoying in their extreme. Here are some common dog behavioural problems we work with dog owners to overcome:
- Digging. It's in a dog's nature to dig, but when you come home and find your grass dug up, that's not acceptable. Dogs dig in search of food, to investigate sounds and smells, to improve their shelter, or to escape. First, you need to catch your dog in the act of digging - not after the hole has been dug! We will help you discover whether your dog is digging from boredom, separation anxiety, a nutritional deficiency or because they don't know it is wrong!
- Chewing. We know that puppies in particular and dogs in general love to chew. Not only is it destructive, but it can lead to a dog swallowing something poisonous or harmful. We will work with you to break this behaviour right away. Make sure to provide plenty of acceptable chew toys, like the Gamechanger® for your dog. Never give your dog old shoes or clothing items to chew, as they may not distinguish between these old items and new ones.
- Not coming when called. You want to teach your dog that coming when called is good and always praise them when they do so. Many dog owners make the mistake of running after dogs or just calling their name (they may not understand the command). Our dog training will be invaluable in teaching your dogs the basic commands.
- Pulling on the lead. When you walk your dog are they constantly tugging on the lead to the point where you don't know who is walking who? With our dog training methods, your dog will soon understand that lead pulling gets them nowhere.
- Jumping. Dogs often jump when they are excited or want to greet you. However, this behaviour can be extremely harmful if it results in you or your guests getting knocked down ... on top of just scaring people. We will work with you to make sure your dogs remain firmly planted on the ground!
If you are irritated, frustrated, angry, or even desperate dealing with inappropriate, embarrassing, or destructive dog behaviours, our dog behavioural therapists can help ... you'll be amazed at the results after just one lesson!
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