Bark Busters Reviews and Customer Testimonials
19th August 2019 - Mark Gall
Easy to follow and remember instructions. Able to see an improvement after three hours.
Trainer note from Mark
The client took on board and applied the techniques easily and the results showed quickly . Well done.
The client took on board and applied the techniques easily and the results showed quickly . Well done.
11th August 2019 - Mark Gall
Mark was awesome! He helped Caleb and I understand dogs true nature and our Nitro so much more. Nitro would often be hyped and anxious around the house, since Marks visit Nitro has calmed down and retreats to his spot on the couch. There is a lot of work and time that needs to be put into training Nitro, Mark has equipped us with the tools and techniques do this and feel confident whilst doing so. Thanks Mark!
Trainer note from Mark
Nitro is a English pointer who was very hyper, reactive to things past his gate and generally running the house hold in a overactive way. lots of small alterations to how the owners communicate and body language and Nitro showed promise even with in the lesson. he's young so a bit of a work in progress but well on the way to being a great dog. Excellent work guys.
Nitro is a English pointer who was very hyper, reactive to things past his gate and generally running the house hold in a overactive way. lots of small alterations to how the owners communicate and body language and Nitro showed promise even with in the lesson. he's young so a bit of a work in progress but well on the way to being a great dog. Excellent work guys.
8th August 2019 - Mark Gall
Excellent, Super helpful and easy to follow training, and Mark was very friendly and very knowledgeable
Trainer note from Mark
This dog is a lovely Jack Russell but an over exuberance to run the show and boss human Mum around by being over exuberant with aggressive play. He'll be a work in progress but certainly showed he can focus on what right on the lesson day. Great work by the owners and they certainly got a grasp of the pack process. Awesome.
This dog is a lovely Jack Russell but an over exuberance to run the show and boss human Mum around by being over exuberant with aggressive play. He'll be a work in progress but certainly showed he can focus on what right on the lesson day. Great work by the owners and they certainly got a grasp of the pack process. Awesome.
6th August 2019 - Mark Gall
Mark was excellent. His manner was incredibly respectful, Mark listened to our concerns and worked to address the issues we were having.
Our dog is a work in progress and we acknowledge we have work to do but Mark gave us a really strong foundation in which to build by explaining behaviour, body language and actions we can take.
Highly recommend.
Trainer note from Mark
Bowie is a Pointer x Sharpie, very anxious of his surroundings and separation and people aggression an issue. The first part of the lesson was done solely climbing the owners up the pack ladder. This dog wanted some one in charge as it was too stressful for him. Stunning turnaround in a very short time. These owners will be fantastic and know that Bowie can do it well.
Bowie is a Pointer x Sharpie, very anxious of his surroundings and separation and people aggression an issue. The first part of the lesson was done solely climbing the owners up the pack ladder. This dog wanted some one in charge as it was too stressful for him. Stunning turnaround in a very short time. These owners will be fantastic and know that Bowie can do it well.
27th July 2019 - Mark Gall
Wonderful training. Mark makes it so simple. Definitely noticed a huge change in the dogs within 20 mins. Amazing
Trainer note from Mark
3 dogs all older , 4th puppy created the sibling rivalry and mayhem by upsetting the dog box. A busy household of dogs but all responded when the right technique and focus exercises were used. We had a couple of phone conversations and a revisit and the dog box is now more relaxed.
3 dogs all older , 4th puppy created the sibling rivalry and mayhem by upsetting the dog box. A busy household of dogs but all responded when the right technique and focus exercises were used. We had a couple of phone conversations and a revisit and the dog box is now more relaxed.
12th July 2019 - Mark Gall
After our training session with Mark we saw a noticeable difference in Kokoda's behaviour from the beginning to the end of the session. Prior to the session we hadn't seen too big of a difference in Kokoda's behaviour, but Mark pointed us in the right direction and we've already seen a good improvement in her behaviour.
Trainer note from Mark
Kokoda is a very nervous dog , 6mth old Collie x Kelpie, high energy and although not aggressive was heading that way with fear reactions to people and dogs, Big barker at gate whilst trying to back away and in the house would continue to bark at visitors. Huge improvements on the day and lots to implement but both Mums did an awesome job of learning and applying.
Kokoda is a very nervous dog , 6mth old Collie x Kelpie, high energy and although not aggressive was heading that way with fear reactions to people and dogs, Big barker at gate whilst trying to back away and in the house would continue to bark at visitors. Huge improvements on the day and lots to implement but both Mums did an awesome job of learning and applying.
19th June 2019 - Mark Gall
The training was outstanding. We went from trying to please our dogs as idf they were humans to totally getting that we needed to change this approach to get back the ranking to control them in and out of the home.
The techniques then offered to re train the dogs around beiong on lead and obeying commands was amazing. Simple, well explained and in no time at all the dogs were seemingly changed into different animals!
Since then walking our dogs is just a dream.
Trainer note from Mark
Samson is a large Malamute and very strong ,pushy , in charge or so he thought. he responded very well to simple change in the technique the owners were trying to control him by. First off no physical man handling , just voice and body language. worked the passive and lead exercises and Samson is a changed man. Awesome work Family.
Samson is a large Malamute and very strong ,pushy , in charge or so he thought. he responded very well to simple change in the technique the owners were trying to control him by. First off no physical man handling , just voice and body language. worked the passive and lead exercises and Samson is a changed man. Awesome work Family.
11th June 2019 - Mark Gall
The change in Bowsers behaviour was unbelievable, we tried the techniques after Mark had gone and he had impproved so much in his recall and obedience.
Very pleased with the whole lesson and with Mark
Trainer note from Mark
Bowser is a Heavy set Lab x Pittbull.2 year old. His problems were aggression to people visitors and dogs , also barking and very strong puller , no focus. The family have all worked the techniques and this dog has just shone through, major behaviour change and seems happy to let them be the leader. awesome work and thanks for calling us.
Bowser is a Heavy set Lab x Pittbull.2 year old. His problems were aggression to people visitors and dogs , also barking and very strong puller , no focus. The family have all worked the techniques and this dog has just shone through, major behaviour change and seems happy to let them be the leader. awesome work and thanks for calling us.
7th June 2019 - Mark Gall
Although Mark was highly recommended we really didn't know what to expect from the training.
On his arrival Winston performed as expected, barked his arse off and carried on like the teenage fool he was.
The 3 hours the family spent with Mark was very enlightening. He put us all at ease and worked with us to cover off the various behavioral issues that needed correction.
To sum it up, we all couldn't believe the change in Winston that took place over those 3 hours. The first thing that we all reflected on at the end of the day was how quiet the house was without all the barking. We still have work to do but we're really working on minor tweaks and changes. Winston is far more relaxed and laid back which is bloody great.
Trainer note from Mark
Mr Winston is a Labradoodle with lots of poodle reactivity. Major barker at everything and his view from the lounge window. Great work by the whole family to apply the daily process and even a week later still very relaxed and doing awesome.
Mr Winston is a Labradoodle with lots of poodle reactivity. Major barker at everything and his view from the lounge window. Great work by the whole family to apply the daily process and even a week later still very relaxed and doing awesome.
25th May 2019 - Mark Gall
It took no time at all before Mark was seen by Baxter as Leader of the Pack. Mark then taught ways to ensure we remain in control. The techniques are simple and effective. We learnt a lot and have been applying it daily. Baxter is a different dog and continues to improve as we invest in becoming head of the pack.
Trainer note from Mark
Baxter was a very exciteable Staffy, lovely nature party boy. But needed to calm down and focus on his little lifestyle block of ducks , chooks , rabbits. He responded well and the owners have been putting in the daily work. Well done everyone.
Baxter was a very exciteable Staffy, lovely nature party boy. But needed to calm down and focus on his little lifestyle block of ducks , chooks , rabbits. He responded well and the owners have been putting in the daily work. Well done everyone.
20th May 2019 - Mark Gall
It was very good and Mark was very easy to work with.
Trainer note from Mark
This dog is a Kelpie cross and was very strong at guarding the property, nervous on new people, pulled ,recall was an issue when focussed on anything else. Ocho responded very well in the lesson and on the day,to the point of not wanting to go to answer the door, a huge improvement. Certainly bright but also dominant so consistency will be the key and daily programming through focus exercises which I 'm sure the owners will apply well.
This dog is a Kelpie cross and was very strong at guarding the property, nervous on new people, pulled ,recall was an issue when focussed on anything else. Ocho responded very well in the lesson and on the day,to the point of not wanting to go to answer the door, a huge improvement. Certainly bright but also dominant so consistency will be the key and daily programming through focus exercises which I 'm sure the owners will apply well.
8th May 2019 - Mark Gall
Mark was really helpful and informative. He trained us to communicate with our dog properly. After 3 hours Rex's attitude had completely changed. I have since taken him for a big walk and rather than being pulled everywhere he walked by my side. I will definately be keeping this up everyday.
I would highly recommend Mark from Bark Busters.
Trainer note from Mark
Rex is a young ,full of beans German shepherd, jumped out , barked at door , pulled lots , pretty much party central shepherd style. Massive improvements not only on the day but now 2 weeks down the track still working well and listening. Will be a work in progress as he's still only a teen dog now. Nice work guys.
Rex is a young ,full of beans German shepherd, jumped out , barked at door , pulled lots , pretty much party central shepherd style. Massive improvements not only on the day but now 2 weeks down the track still working well and listening. Will be a work in progress as he's still only a teen dog now. Nice work guys.