Bark Busters Reviews and Customer Testimonials
4th November 2019 - Mark Gall
Marks training session was extremely beneficial and we have had instant results by implementing his techniques. His training methods and plan were clearly explained, logical and easy to put in to practise in daily life without using treats. For the first time in two years I have been on a nice walk with my dog without being pulled down the street and she is generally calmer and happier around the home. I wish I had done this sooner!!
30th October 2019 - Mark Gall
It was very impressive training Brownie with Mark. We could notice the difference right from the moment Mark entered the house. Mark helped me become Brownie's leader and even though Brownie is still a work in progress, she's much more calmer and obedient inside the house now. I've been able to establish a special bond with my dog over the last 3 months which I clearly struggled for the first 2 years (before we asked Barkbusters for help). Mark also went to the extent of offering us a second lesson on his subsequent visit to Wellington which is so much appreciated. I would strongly recommend Mark as an expert dog trainer and I wish I had contacted BarkBuster's a year earlier when Brownie was still a puppy. Also, the Barkbusters long leash and harness have been such a help in training Brownie to walk outside. Would also recommend both of them.
Trainer note from Mark
Brownie is a very exuberant young Rottweiller with very little know ledge of boundaries when I first visited. Now a much better behaved girl. Great work by the owners to apply the training technique to end up with a happy relaxed dog.
Brownie is a very exuberant young Rottweiller with very little know ledge of boundaries when I first visited. Now a much better behaved girl. Great work by the owners to apply the training technique to end up with a happy relaxed dog.
23rd October 2019 - Mark Gall
What an absolute pleasure to meet and work with Mark, the results were amazing within a few hours. Already the next morning Ziggi stayed out of the kitchen, as an example.
Trainer note from Mark
Ziggi is a 5mth old Lagotta x Poodle who although a pup needed focus and basics and had already started running the house in his loveable way. Ist of a few sessions for Ziggi as part of our puppy management program and lifetime support guarantee. Great work team Ziggi.
Ziggi is a 5mth old Lagotta x Poodle who although a pup needed focus and basics and had already started running the house in his loveable way. Ist of a few sessions for Ziggi as part of our puppy management program and lifetime support guarantee. Great work team Ziggi.
5th October 2019 - Mark Gall
Results by the end of the training session were more than I could've imagined. Since our session Waititi is noticeably more relaxed in so many ways, beyond the areas we addressed, and friends have commented on how "soft" his face seems now. He is a senior rescue dog that I've had for a couple of months, and I'm so pleased to see him transforming into a more relaxed and content dog so quickly.
Trainer note from Mark
This client has taken on senior dogs who really have had very little training and no social skills, Waititi is dog reactive, pulls , barking, recall and focus an issue due to no previous owner input. Great passion and commitment to help her dogs have a better life for their remainder time with us. Love you passion .
This client has taken on senior dogs who really have had very little training and no social skills, Waititi is dog reactive, pulls , barking, recall and focus an issue due to no previous owner input. Great passion and commitment to help her dogs have a better life for their remainder time with us. Love you passion .
4th October 2019 - Mark Gall
Mark made an immediate impact on Archie with his behaviour improving straightaway. It has been two weeks since the visit with the techniques shown making Archie a completely different dog and much easier to control. There is still more work to do with him but it now seems possible. We thank Mark a lot for the changes he has helped create.
Trainer note from Mark
Archie is a Huntaway x Collie, 5 year old with Barking and bite issues. Great dog but willful and clever , just needed some focus and guidance. Well done team Archie.
Archie is a Huntaway x Collie, 5 year old with Barking and bite issues. Great dog but willful and clever , just needed some focus and guidance. Well done team Archie.
23rd August 2019 - Mark Gall
MY training has been AMAZING, I have a very placid King Charles Spaniel and then my beautiful wee Chihuahua arrived. He WAS very aggressive, attempting to bite ankles when anyone came to the house (I had NO control and put him straight in his crate if someone came). He WAS so protective of me, his house, his car, his brother, his best friend. First meeting with Mark I had 3 dogs here including my Chi and he was up on the couch/window sill barking aggressively. I removed him to his crate While Mark and I chatted, I was then shown how to open the door to the room, then the door to his crate. I had control as all 3 dogs following me out of the room. I have learnt how to help my Chi and in time overcome his fears. In ONE session I am so much more confident in doing the right thing for my Chi. Yesterday we went to the supermarket, left the 3 dogs in the car (usually 2 would bark continuously for ages) but yesterday 3 small woofs and I had control to settle them. Went again this morning and the Chi had 1 small bark and then settled ... YA
AND a quick lesson on how to get my Chi to use the cat/dog door (after over a year of me trying) and he now goes in AND out no problems... WOW !!!
I just never knew what to do, now I have a heap of information to read through, lessons to learn and I am so grateful, this was worth every $$ to help my Chi be a more social and relaxed dog.
Trainer note from Mark
Bobby was an extremely anxious fear aggressive Chihuahua. No one was safe and barking at any sounds was extreme. He responded very well to our speakdog techniques literally with in 10 minutes and now Mum has the control and skills to keep it in place. I even got a small lick on my hand from Sir Bobby. Great job all of you.
Bobby was an extremely anxious fear aggressive Chihuahua. No one was safe and barking at any sounds was extreme. He responded very well to our speakdog techniques literally with in 10 minutes and now Mum has the control and skills to keep it in place. I even got a small lick on my hand from Sir Bobby. Great job all of you.
22nd August 2019 - Mark Gall
We saw results in the first 10 minutes of apply the training techniques, while Mark was still doing the training of us.
We really enjoyed the training and only need to keep it up. It is up to us.
Trainer note from Mark
Archie is big and boisterous German Shepherd, very excitable lovely temperament. He'll do well and the owners applied the process well too. looking forward to catching up for a revisit shortly to check on progress.
Archie is big and boisterous German Shepherd, very excitable lovely temperament. He'll do well and the owners applied the process well too. looking forward to catching up for a revisit shortly to check on progress.
19th August 2019 - Mark Gall
Easy to follow and remember instructions. Able to see an improvement after three hours.
Trainer note from Mark
The client took on board and applied the techniques easily and the results showed quickly . Well done.
The client took on board and applied the techniques easily and the results showed quickly . Well done.
11th August 2019 - Mark Gall
Mark was awesome! He helped Caleb and I understand dogs true nature and our Nitro so much more. Nitro would often be hyped and anxious around the house, since Marks visit Nitro has calmed down and retreats to his spot on the couch. There is a lot of work and time that needs to be put into training Nitro, Mark has equipped us with the tools and techniques do this and feel confident whilst doing so. Thanks Mark!
Trainer note from Mark
Nitro is a English pointer who was very hyper, reactive to things past his gate and generally running the house hold in a overactive way. lots of small alterations to how the owners communicate and body language and Nitro showed promise even with in the lesson. he's young so a bit of a work in progress but well on the way to being a great dog. Excellent work guys.
Nitro is a English pointer who was very hyper, reactive to things past his gate and generally running the house hold in a overactive way. lots of small alterations to how the owners communicate and body language and Nitro showed promise even with in the lesson. he's young so a bit of a work in progress but well on the way to being a great dog. Excellent work guys.
8th August 2019 - Mark Gall
Excellent, Super helpful and easy to follow training, and Mark was very friendly and very knowledgeable
Trainer note from Mark
This dog is a lovely Jack Russell but an over exuberance to run the show and boss human Mum around by being over exuberant with aggressive play. He'll be a work in progress but certainly showed he can focus on what right on the lesson day. Great work by the owners and they certainly got a grasp of the pack process. Awesome.
This dog is a lovely Jack Russell but an over exuberance to run the show and boss human Mum around by being over exuberant with aggressive play. He'll be a work in progress but certainly showed he can focus on what right on the lesson day. Great work by the owners and they certainly got a grasp of the pack process. Awesome.
6th August 2019 - Mark Gall
Mark was excellent. His manner was incredibly respectful, Mark listened to our concerns and worked to address the issues we were having.
Our dog is a work in progress and we acknowledge we have work to do but Mark gave us a really strong foundation in which to build by explaining behaviour, body language and actions we can take.
Highly recommend.
Trainer note from Mark
Bowie is a Pointer x Sharpie, very anxious of his surroundings and separation and people aggression an issue. The first part of the lesson was done solely climbing the owners up the pack ladder. This dog wanted some one in charge as it was too stressful for him. Stunning turnaround in a very short time. These owners will be fantastic and know that Bowie can do it well.
Bowie is a Pointer x Sharpie, very anxious of his surroundings and separation and people aggression an issue. The first part of the lesson was done solely climbing the owners up the pack ladder. This dog wanted some one in charge as it was too stressful for him. Stunning turnaround in a very short time. These owners will be fantastic and know that Bowie can do it well.
27th July 2019 - Mark Gall
Wonderful training. Mark makes it so simple. Definitely noticed a huge change in the dogs within 20 mins. Amazing
Trainer note from Mark
3 dogs all older , 4th puppy created the sibling rivalry and mayhem by upsetting the dog box. A busy household of dogs but all responded when the right technique and focus exercises were used. We had a couple of phone conversations and a revisit and the dog box is now more relaxed.
3 dogs all older , 4th puppy created the sibling rivalry and mayhem by upsetting the dog box. A busy household of dogs but all responded when the right technique and focus exercises were used. We had a couple of phone conversations and a revisit and the dog box is now more relaxed.