Bark Busters Reviews and Customer Testimonials
10th September 2023 - Mark Gall
Mark dealt with Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall
Bobby was a very full on Staffy, lovely temperament but hyper whenever guests arrive. Extremely adrenalized and hard for the owners to get any focus at all. He responded very well to our Speak Dog to teach dog programming. A couple of next day questions from the owners and it appears he's really learning to chill out. Nice Job Mr Booby boy. See you in a few weeks for a recap and followup.
29th August 2023 - Mark Gall
Mark dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling, Sibling rivalry
Milo is a Ozzy shepherd ,very clever and interesting dog, super smart and has taken the owners needing to leave him at quarantine for the trip to NZ to heart. He assumed it was the dads fault so now reacts to dad leaving and sometimes getting very agro about it. Basically telling dad off for needing to leave. Tough case and the need to tread carefully but even in the lesson he got better . Definitely a work in progress. Great work so far guys.
28th August 2023 - Mark Gall
Mark dealt with Chewing, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Puppy management, Recall
Little Misty is only a pup but the owners were struggling with his separation anxiety and basic obedience, strong wee temperament who really wasn't sure how to focus. Great steps forward for the first lesson and soon a second session to fine tune a little more.
25th August 2023 - Mark Gall
Mark dealt with Aggression, Pulling
Monty is a Sproodle who barks a lot and started to get aggressive with dogs and occasional person since Dad passed away. I was called in to help Monty and mum work through the issues. definately a strong wee temperament but showed good progress during the lesson.
14th August 2023 - Mark Gall
Mark dealt with Aggression, Hyperactivity, Pulling, Sibling rivalry
Milo is a 20mth old GSP and was showing signs of needing to boss hog with some quite worrying anxiety aggression involving spaces , food, crate , the owners office space . It was starting to sneak into owning communal spaces too .Concerning as the flat mate did need to interact and use some of the spaces. Milo and the owners understood the process and took on board how to apply the pack and dog rules easily. Often changes small things in the way we communicate can have huge effect. Simple but easy communication works.
2nd August 2023 - Mark Gall
Mark dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Recall, Separation anxiety
Shadow is a hyper , playful labrador with confidence plus who really was playing every game to control her pack . She responded well to the refocus techniques and proved her owners that she actually can be nice and calm. The owners did really well at understanding her thinking and applying the basic dog language to have a great wee girl. Nice work guys.
31st July 2023 - Mark Gall
Mark dealt with Jumping up, Pulling, Recall
Only a few days in , but huge improvements in the lesson for Blue 16mth old Golden retriever who really was over the top with excitement , serious puller too. Great job by blue and the owners to implimemnt the training techniques. Nice Job guys.
27th July 2023 - Mark Gall
Mark dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall, Sibling rivalry
Pearl had some quite serious fear issues with visitors and children , barking and separation , aggression and pulling issues. She responded well to our speakdog teaching of the owners. Now she trusts more and responds to the owners refocussing if a problem looks eminant.
26th July 2023 - Mark Gall
Mark dealt with Aggression, Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall
Both amber and Arthur responded well to the simple programming exercises and being two big dogs in a small space control was important ,more so for Amber who is dog reactive after some incidents at the local beach. Follow soon but good initial progress and great work by the owner to get everyone on the same page.
23rd July 2023 - Mark Gall
Mark dealt with Aggression, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall
Great little full of beans dog but running the house since dad passed. The owner was struggling to get on top of some annoying and persistent problems , separation , barking ,pulling, recall and mostly dog reactive behaviours , guests entering protection. All achieved great results on lesson one and we'll do the follow up in a couple of weeks or so. Ned is a 2yr old Jack Russell
3rd July 2023 - Mark Gall
Mark dealt with Barking, Pulling, Recall
Sparkie has moved into a new home and another dog his litter mate . His behaviour is very barkay and reactive but also thought he was pin charge of the house. Sparkie responded well to the simple use of his language and his natural rules. From barker ,runner, puller , jumper to nicely relaxed and calmer. Great work guys and we'll catch up soon.
30th June 2023 - Mark Gall
Mark dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Recall, Other
Chase is a poochon , very barky at anything he hears and especially guests coming in. was jumping up , separation anxiety and recall all issues to address also an aggression side if someone walks past and he's out. He responded well in the lesson and we'll do another session before they move to Australia. There maybe some back steps with the crating and travel process so Our lifetime support guarantee means they can continue the program once in Ozzy with our Bark Busters trainer over there for the one off fee paid here. Catch up with you soon Mr Chase.