tagged "Behaviour Problems"

Latest news from Bark Busters Home Dog Training. Providing help in your home to resolve any problem with your dog! : Behaviour Problems : page 1

Lifetime Support Guarantee

The Bark Busters worldwide home dog training service guarantee is unique in the industry. It is designed to help owners resolve their dog's behaviour and obedience problems and to provide customers with the satisfaction of ongoing support and peace of mind. Find out more

  • Are you under the paw?
    Are you under the paw?
    November 02 2021
    You may have seen our recent article 'The Importance of Training your Dog' where we talked about the importance of regular training sessions between you and your dog to maintain communication. In today's article, we are taking a lighthearted look at the training that takes place in lots of homes every day...where your dog is training you! ...read more
  • Does Your Dog Love To Chase Moving Things?
    Does Your Dog Love To Chase Moving Things?
    March 18 2020
    Many dogs chase other animals, cyclists, skateboarders, cats, the postman you name it! It can  sometimes end badly, so while you may not be able to stop your dog from trying to chase, we can  help you take steps to prevent disaster. ...read more
  • The Timid Dog
    The Timid Dog
    March 04 2020
    The life of a rescue dog or puppy mill dog, may not be a happy one right from the start and any negative experiences can have a huge impact on their personalities and behaviour. All dogs are born with a certain temperament and if that temperament is shy and nervous, it cannot be changed through training. However, you can certainly work with your dog to make their lives comfortable, safe and happy and you will see improvements over time. ...read more
  • How to Establish a Relationship with your Dog?
    How to Establish a Relationship with your Dog?
    January 22 2020
    What kind of relationship do you want with your dog? Chances are you want to form a strong bond with your dog which will be the entire foundation for how your dog behaves. Remember a dog is not only “man’s best friend”, but someone who needs to learn from you – you need to establish yourself as an effective canine “Leader”. Here we’ll give you some tips to cement your relationship with your dog based on trust, mutual respect and affection. ...read more
  • Why Won't My Dog Listen?
    Why Won't My Dog Listen?
    January 08 2020
    If your dog misbehaves, you've probably tried screaming at your dog to the point where he thinks his name is "bad dog." ...read more
  • Does Your Dog Come When Called?
    Does Your Dog Come When Called?
    October 09 2019
    If your dog comes every time you call him, that’s great. But if you find that your dog consistently ignores your recall, then you may need to improve your technique, and put some training into place for your dog. ...read more
  • Is Your Dog A Digger?
    Is Your Dog A Digger?
    October 02 2019
    Does your dog dig? It’s a common behaviour of dogs that many people have come to accept as “it’s just what dogs do.” While in a lot of cases, it could just be a breed trait or an activity your dog loves to pass the time with, in other cases it could be a sign of something that needs to be addressed.  ...read more
  • Why So Many People Don't Train Their Dogs and Why They Should?
    Why So Many People Don't Train Their Dogs and Why They Should?
    September 25 2019
    A well trained dog is a happy dog, but many pet owners don’t bother taking the time to properly train their pet. There are several reasons why people don’t bother to train their dogs: ...read more
  • Changing your Dogs Behaviour
    Changing your Dogs Behaviour
    September 18 2019
    Knowing how to educate a dog is not a skill that comes naturally to all dog owners, some people struggle to get their dog under control which can be distressing for you and your pet. After all, dogs don’t misbehave without reason, and a well-behaved dog is an understood and happy dog. Changing problem behaviours takes knowledge and patience, especially if the behaviour has been long-established.  ...read more
  • What Makes A Dog A Dog?
    What Makes A Dog A Dog?
    April 24 2019
    Regardless of a dog's breed, temperament or size, all dogs are derived from the wolf. Thus, understanding the wolf's behaviour, motivators and communication system have helped us to understand dogs. ...read more