tagged "Health"

Latest news from Bark Busters Home Dog Training. Providing help in your home to resolve any problem with your dog! : Health : page 1

Lifetime Support Guarantee

The Bark Busters worldwide home dog training service guarantee is unique in the industry. It is designed to help owners resolve their dog's behaviour and obedience problems and to provide customers with the satisfaction of ongoing support and peace of mind. Find out more

  • How Often Should I Walk My Dog?
    How Often Should I Walk My Dog?
    April 15 2020
    We have all seen funny little memes about dogs being so excited about their owners being at home and getting lots of walks. Our trainers have received queries about the length of walks, the duration and the frequency. ...read more
  • Working From Home Can Be Isolating
    Working From Home Can Be Isolating
    April 02 2020
    If you are working from home, you may find it isolating, and it can lead to health and well-bring issues. Studies show that having a canine companion is linked to lowering blood pressure, reduced cholesterol, and improving overall health. ...read more
  • Working From Home With Your Dog?
    Working From Home With Your Dog?
    March 19 2020
    Are you working from home with your dog? Read tips from Bark Busters Home Dog Training on how to best adapt to this new working environment! ...read more
  • Announcement From Directors
    Announcement From Directors
    March 18 2020
     Our number one priority is the health, safety, and well-being of our clients, our Bark Busters trainers, and the communities in which we live and work together. As we learn more daily about the impact COVID-19 is having in New Zealand and worldwide, our utmost priority is to work with you, and everyone in our extended Bark Busters family, to adapt our training support and safety precautions to help reduce the risk of contributing to the spread of this awful virus.  We remain committed to providing you continued support, as we honour our agreements with you, and to help you get results from your training in a timely and effective manner. ...read more
  • Scent Games To Challenge Your Pups
    Scent Games To Challenge Your Pups
    February 26 2020
    Dog noses are amazing. Your pet can smell things that you can only imagine, and with over 300 million smell receptors in his nose, it’s easy to see why a dog’s sense of smell is so important. If you want to engage in some educational play with your pooch, why not try one of these fun scent games with your dog? ...read more
  • How to Show Affection to Your Dog
    How to Show Affection to Your Dog
    February 14 2020
    One of the best ways to bond with your dog is by showing them love and affection, but you need to know the right way of doing this. Dogs aren’t like people, so what you think your dog may love may actually cause them stress. Here are some of the best ways to show affection to your dog. ...read more
    Tags Health
  • Doggy Breath - Causes and Cures
    Doggy Breath - Causes and Cures
    February 10 2020
    Most dogs suffer from bad breath at one time or another. Some struggle with horrible halitosis their entire lives. While it may not appear to bother them very much, it probably isn’t pleasant for you...Here’s what you need to know about your dog’s bad breath and what you can do to cure them. ...read more
  • What Dangers Lurk at a Dog Park?
    What Dangers Lurk at a Dog Park?
    December 18 2019
    Ah, it's summertime, a chance for dog owners to enjoy the great outdoors  with their dogs. Although I have always enjoyed going to dog parks with  my dogs, I've recently read some cautionary tales I thought I would share with you. ...read more
  • How Dogs Help With Stress
    How Dogs Help With Stress
    December 04 2019
    We have long known about the therapeutic value of dogs. They have been known to help the handicapped, bring companionship to the lonely, help lower blood pressure and even help socialise criminal offenders. Therapy dogs have been recruited to alert those suffering from diabetes, epilepsy and more. They provide aid to children with autism and cerebral palsy. Researchers have found that university students have less stress and anxiety after spending time at a drop-in session with a dog present. ...read more
    Tags Health