“I always get a little anxious at this time of year. There’s so much change going on in the house. Lots of people dropping by unexpectedly and I thought from what you’ve taught me all year it was my job to answer the door first! But, everyone gets so bent out of shape when I greet them with appropriate exuberance - especially Aunty Shirley. I’m yelling “Hi come in, you smell so good in that fur!” and she starts yelling back (it’s so high pitched I think she’s excited to see me but I guess she doesn’t know what to do with her purse coz she keeps waving it in front of me.) Then ‘Dad’ yells at me in that deep voice as he towers over top of me, always scaring me enough to pee a little. Then there is more yelling. I’m very confused so I run into the new bathroom to relieve myself and then, more yelling! Who puts a tree right inside if you are not going to use it? How was I supposed to know it wasn’t a new indoor bathroom?!” – signed, your dog.
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